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Shrine of The Gods: Area 3
[Normal] Bubble Angel (Blue) (Lv 145)
[Normal] Bubble Angel (Green) (Lv 145)
[Normal] Bubble Angel (Red) (Lv 145)
[Normal] Gods of Blessing's Guardian (Lv 143)
[Normal] Zaman (Lv 144)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Normal] Bubble Angel (Blue)[Material] God Stone[Material] Cracked Halo[Material] Mysterious Shiny Cloth[Magic Device] Prism Ring (Water)[Normal] Bubble Angel (Green)[Material] God Stone[Material] Cracked Halo[Material] Mysterious Shiny Cloth[Magic Device] Prism Ring (Wind)[Normal] Bubble Angel (Red)[Material] God Stone[Material] Cracked Halo[Material] Mysterious Shiny Cloth[Magic Device] Prism Ring[Normal] Gods of Blessing's Guardian[1 Handed Sword] Calibur[Material] Green Engine Crystal[Material] Blessings Gods Stone[Material] Broken Green Shield[Normal] Zaman[Additional] Small Fairy Wings[Material] Heavenly Sand[Material] Purple Fin[Material] Luminous Purple Liquid