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Anniversary Arena: 8th Venue
[Boss] Megiston (8th Anniv) (Lv 285)
[Boss] Megiston (8th Anniv) (Lv 295)
[Boss] Megiston (8th Anniv) (Lv 305)
[Boss] Megiston (8th Anniv) (Lv 325)
[Normal] Arena Lv250 Entry (8th Anniv)
[Normal] Arena Lv260 Entry (8th Anniv)
[Normal] EX Arena Entry (8th Anniv)
[Normal] EX Prize Exchange (8th Anniv)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Boss] Megiston (8th Anniv)[Usable] Revita VIII[Usable] Emotion Ticket V[2 Handed Sword] Soleil The Heat Sword III[Ore] แร่โอริคัล[Enhancer Crysta (Red)] Megiston the Champion VI[Normal] Arena Lv250 Entry (8th Anniv)[Normal] Arena Lv260 Entry (8th Anniv)[Normal] EX Prize Exchange (8th Anniv)[Additional] 8th Anniv Ribbon[Additional] 8th Anniv Hat[Material] Anniv Festive Ticket[Material] Golpom 8th Anniv Medal[Material] Celebration Cloth